11. Risk and Disclaimers

This white paper is provided for assistance only and is not intended to be and must not be taken alone as the basis for any purchase decision. Buying Crypto/NFTs involves significant risks and may prompt a deficiency of an essential or whole measure of the cash and a prospective buyer should have the financial ability and willingness to accept such risks (including risk of complete loss of a buyer’s investments into any Crypto/NFT, for which no recourse would be afforded to the buyer). Prior to making a purchase of a Crypto/NFT, the buyer should carefully consider and evaluate all the information in this white paper as well as other factors that may be recorded in other documentations or through the buyer’s own due diligence.

Each buyer should perform and is deemed to have made their own independent investigation and analysis of the Crypto/NFT and all other relevant matters as they deem necessary to arrive at an independent evaluation of a purchase. Among others, the performance of a Crypto/NFT is subject to risk factors that are outside of AmazeWallet’s reasonable control. For example, cryptographic tokens may be subject to confiscation or potentially burglary: programmers or other malevolent gatherings or associations might endeavour to impede AmazeWallet’s framework/network in different ways, including malware assaults, disavowal of administration assaults, agreement-based assaults, Sybil assaults, smurfing, and parodying which may bring about the deficiency of your cryptographic tokens or the lack of your capacity to access or control your cryptographic tokens. There might be no cure on such occasions, and holders of cryptographic tokens are not guaranteed any remedy, discount, or remuneration. As a result, there can be no assurance or guarantee that a purchase of Crypto/NFT will be realised and that capital loss will not occur. Loss of the entire principal amount invested is also a possibility, which buyers must be willing to accept and undertake before each purchase.

Prospective buyers should therefore have regard to their own investment objective and financial circumstances and should consider and evaluate their own investment objective and financial circumstances fully before deciding whether to purchase a Crypto/NFT. In deciding to purchase or participating in the AmazeWallet ecosystem, you expressly acknowledge, accept and assume the following:

Regulatory status:

Changes in laws or regulations, or the interpretation of such, may have legal, tax, or accounting consequences that may bring about adverse effects to the performance and/or development of a particular Crypto/NFT or the general ecosystem of such cryptographic tokens. As it stands, the administrative status and regulatory attitude towards cryptographic tokens and computerized resources presently differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Governments worldwide are currently (and continue to) exploring the benefits, risks, regulations, security, and applications of crypto assets and as such, it is conceivable that regulatory oversight of the cryptographic tokens and cryptocurrency industry will continue to evolve, and governments may take on more restrictive positions in respect of cryptocurrencies, decentralised finance and/or the cryptographic tokens and cryptocurrency industry, whether in certain aspects or generally. Such positions include issuing more targeted and specific regulations, guidelines, arrangements, or rules relating to cryptographic tokens, computerized resources, blockchain innovation, or blockchain applications, which may directly or indirectly confine the ability of cryptographic symbolic holders to own, hold, sell, convert, exchange, or utilize cryptographic tokens. The potential increase in regulatory oversight may consequentially result in an increase in the buyer’s exposure to legal, compliance, and other related costs. Potential buyers ought to consider the entirety of the abovementioned and survey the nature of significant hazards autonomously and seek their own independent professional and legal advice (where necessary) before proceeding to make any purchases.

Regarding Forward-Looking Statements:

The business and operations of AmazeWallet may be affected by various market and environmental factors relating to the macro economy, technology, regulatory changes, changes in market conditions, and competitive pressure. To this end, this whitepaper contains certain forward-looking statements relating to the business and operations of AmazeWallet which would be dependent on such aforementioned factors. Such forward-looking statements may include assessments and suppositions that are based on AmazeWallet’s subjective determination of our relative market positioning, liquidity, financial and competitive strengths and physical conditions (amongst others). In like manner, these factors could cause genuine change to the outcomes or results that may vary tangibly from those communicated in this whitepaper. There can be no assurance that such statements are made on accurate measures of the market and the further prospect of the market. As such, they should not be taken as an indication of, and do not guarantee, the outcome or prospects of any purchase of the cryptographic token or assets that a buyer intends to commit and should be taken as made on the date of this whitepaper.

Licenses and approvals are not assured in all jurisdictions.

As highlighted above, the regulatory landscape surrounding cryptographic tokens and assets is currently still evolving and developing across various jurisdictions. To this end, AmazeWallet shall perform due diligence and shall regularly monitor the legal and regulatory developments of each jurisdiction. We endeavour to comply with all applicable laws and regulations of each jurisdiction in which we operate and will make every effort to secure all the required licenses and approvals in such jurisdiction with respect to our business activities.

However, notwithstanding the above, any changes to the regulatory environment of a particular jurisdiction may not be foreseeable by us. In addition, the application process and approval timeline of the requisite licenses vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and the position adopted by certain jurisdictions currently with respect to cryptographic tokens and assets may be that such activities are not specifically regulated. As a result, there can be no assurance that the features outlined in this whitepaper and AmazeWallet’s risk management process will prevent conduct standards from being compromised.

Given the uncertainties outlined above, the features mentioned in this whitepaper may need to be restructured or rescheduled from time to time, depending on the regulatory developments in the various jurisdictions as well as the approval process by the relevant regulatory authorities. The technological progress and build-up of the community are also other factors that may affect the development of certain features. As a result, the expected launch date and/or roll-out date of such features may differ from that as estimated in this white paper. Further, during the development phase, AmazeWallet may also rely upon our partnerships with different licensed third-party entities. In the event that such entities no longer hold the licenses required (for reasons unforeseen and uncontrolled by AmazeWallet), the ability of AmazeWallet to offer the associated services will similarly be impacted. Such cascading effects may also divert the time and resources of AmazeWallet’s operations and activities.

Not financial advice:

This whitepaper does not constitute any investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or a recommendation on the merits of purchasing, trading, selling, creating and/or buying of cryptographic tokens or assets or NFTs (whether featured in this whitepaper or otherwise) and should not be relied on in connection with any other contract or purchasing decision. The statements in this whitepaper also do not represent the position undertaken by any other affiliates and their respective officers, directors, managers, employees, agents, advisors or consultants. Buyers are strongly urged to consult their own professional and tax advisers with respect to their contemplated purchases and with specific reference to their own personal financial situation and to only commit to such investment upon having fully studied and understood the underlying risks, process and background entirely.

This is not a sale of security:

This whitepaper is not a prospectus or a financial service offering document as defined under any relevant statutory provisions nor does it constitute an offer to sell or solicit any offer to buy any security, investment products, regulated products, or financial instruments. In AmazeWallet, the cryptographic tokens featured are not structured as securities or to be traded as securities. AmazeToken holders also do not have legal or equitable rights in AmazeWallet or any of its affiliates, including any equity, shares, units, royalties, profit, returns, or income in AmazeWallet or any other company or intellectual property linked with AmazeWallet.

No representation:

The statements (including any data, proclamations or conclusions whether express or inferred) generally included in this whitepaper is not an indication, guarantee or portrayal to any buyer, potential buyer or related persons thereof. AmazeWallet is also not responsible for any conclusions extracted or data composed out of the contents of this whitepaper. This whitepaper, together with any other documents or information referred to herein should not be regarded as an independent evaluation and analysis of any investment in or performance of the cryptographic assets contained. As presented in this whitepaper, AmazeWallet is a work in progress and thus, the contents in this white paper will be continuously updated from time to time, including details relating to the key features and parameters offered. As such, the features depicted in this whitepaper should not be taken to be an indication of the exact features upon fruition. Any plans, future projections, or possibilities depicted in this whitepaper should also not be taken as a portrayal or guarantee as to its accomplishment or sensibility. Nothing in this record is or should be depended upon as a commitment or portrayal concerning the contents in this whitepaper. To the widest extent permissible under any applicable law, AmazeWallet is not liable for any misfortune or harm of all sorts suffered by any individual, whether predictable or otherwise, due to any reliance on the descriptions, data and contents contained in this whitepaper or any data access or received from AmazeWallet with respect to the same.

Views of AmazeWallet:

The perspectives and assessments communicated in this whitepaper represent those of AmazeWallet only and nothing in this whitepaper should be taken as the opinion or position with regards to any strategy or position made by any administration, semigovernment, authority, or public body of any jurisdiction. AmazeWallet also does not assume any obligation to notify any individual as to any changes in law or regulatory position of any applicable jurisdiction from the date that this white paper is issued or updated.

Third-Party data and references:

This whitepaper may contain information and references obtained from other third-party sources. While it is the discretion of the administration of this whitepaper to accept that such information is dependable and to use it as it deems appropriate, the information relied upon is based on free review and has not been subject to any further investigation by any professional bookkeeping or other authoritative guides and sources. As such, AmazeWallet does not warrant or represent the exactness and quality of such third-party information and references reflected in this whitepaper. References made in this whitepaper (whether to other organisations or cases in any manner howsoever) are for illustrative purposes only and any such reference should not be taken as an affiliation, partnership, or association of AmazeWallet to the same. All references to 'dollars', USD, or '$' are references to the United States Dollars unless otherwise noted.

Other risks:

In addition, the potential risks briefly mentioned above are not exhaustive. Other factors not referred to herein may affect the future performance of any of the contents. Accordingly, none of AmazeWallet or its affiliates should be deemed nor do we purport to provide any assurance about the performance or development of the features or the return of invested capital or profits of any investor.


This whitepaper and any related materials are provided in English. Any translation or interpretation provided in this whitepaper is for reference only and its accuracy has not been confirmed by any professional body. In the event of any inconsistency between the interpretation or translation of any content in this whitepaper, the English version shall prevail.

Restricted transmission:

This whitepaper should not be taken or communicated to any individual or body where the conveyance or spread of this whitepaper is precluded or limited by any applicable law.

Graphics/ Designs/ UX/UI interfaces/Illustrations:

All designs used in this whitepaper are for illustrative purposes only and specifically, illustrations with cost references do not convert to actual evaluating data.

AmazeChain, AmazeWallet, and AmazeToken are registered trademarks.

Last updated