5. Chain

The AmazeWallet app also helps run our Layer 1 chain ecosystem (that’s the mining feature). A full whitepaper on the chain will be provided separately but as an introduction:

AmazeChain is a highly scalable, efficient and secure Layer 1 blockchain that meets the needs of global internet users. It is a smart chain, since it is the first network that uses smartphone processing power to broadcast transactions, verify ZK proofs and generate blocks. AmazeChain supports common scripting languages like Java, Rust and C++ to write smart contracts, and is compatible with a wide variety of protocols including UTXO, EVM, MOVE and WASM.

Stress tests performed under real-world conditions show our smart chain is able to handle 300,000 TPS, and over 1 million on devnet has already been demonstrated, for optimised gas fees. This is due to a combination of layered architecture (batch processing), sharding (parallel processing), use of a neutral Blockchain Distribution Network (BDN) and technology breakthroughs in how we have optimised computation, communication and storage on the network. Transactions on AmazeChain are confirmed nearly instantaneously.

AmazeChain does not adopt the brute force computational method of Proof-of-Work (PoW), but achieves true large-scale decentralisation through advanced cryptographic techniques and recursive zero-knowledge proofs. Unlike other blockchains that use Trie or Merkle Trees, AmazeChain uses RSA accumulators to store, update, query, prove, and verify the ever-changing blockchain state. The protocol includes six layers: a data layer, network layer, consensus layer, incentive layer, contract layer, and an application layer.

Smartphones, PCs, and servers around the world connected to the internet verify transactions. The calculation for millions of transactions involving polynomial commitments and ZK-EVM proofs is very small, and can be completed in milliseconds by ordinary smartphones, without causing overheating or a visible reduction in battery life.

Most of the time is spent on receiving data and returning multi-signature results. Smartphones act as nodes for verification, earning transaction fees and rewards. This is known as mobile mining. Final confirmation involves merging the received verification results. Millions of transactions per second can be split into tasks of a million each, including redundancy and game theory algorithms to prevent collusion among hackers.

The number of participating mobile nodes and the chain's TPS grows nearly linearly. The consensus mechanism is considered valid when it receives a 2/3 vote in any given shard. Communication delays and occasional loss of signal or battery life can be ignored.

If there is a large-scale node dropout or internet outage (such as a complete disconnection between America and Europe), the system postpones the final confirmation and records the locally correct transactions in uncle blocks (which are usually used for offline transactions).

Our explorer is at mainnet.amazechain.com and we’ll update our website with live performance metrics soon.

Last updated