1. Overview

A Decentralized, High-Performance Blockchain Network Platform for Mass Commercial Use

At the end of 2023, as the global pandemic gradually fades, continuous wars lead to a decline in the wealthy's trust in governments. Economic stagnation, worsening inequality, political corruption, and technological monopolies by the elites spark a populist backlash. These issues affect each of us. However, our greater concern lies in both the left and right wings avoiding technology, markets, and international cooperation, leading to national isolation, which is not only unhelpful but may also undermine the values of modern societal civilization. Over the past four years, we have been dedicated to finding alternatives, leveraging markets and technology to achieve decentralization of power, and making humanity rely on rules rather than authority.

We focus on technological solutions to address centralized control in the digital economy and financial sectors. The emergence of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies reflects dissatisfaction with traditional finance. Blockchain technology used not just in finance but also to address issues like privacy breaches, is also part of our commitment to establishing fair political-economic rules and reducing reliance on central authority. Public property systems and innovative democratic systems can achieve greater competition and equality. While cryptocurrencies and radical new social systems face challenges, we believe in gradual advancement to avoid disrupting existing social structures. Through the establishment of technological systems and social ideologies, we hope to successfully decentralize power, contributing to a more free, open, and cooperative world.

On the other hand, we focus on designing political-economic rules for society to reduce reliance on central authority. Traditional private property systems lead to resource concentration in the hands of a few, limiting competition and equality. A freer market would increase competition and equality through public property systems and auctions. One-person-one-vote democracy might oppress minority groups, who then seek protection from judicial or international institutions. More creative democratic methods involve empowering minority groups to protect their interests and restore government legitimacy.

These two aspects, largely studied separately, share concerns about the current situation. While cryptocurrencies have great potential, they risk being a bubble, and their most meaningful applications still require research. For radical social system changes, gradual progress is best, whether in technology, economics, or politics, allowing space for trial and learning, reducing risks of disrupting existing social structures, and avoiding counterproductive outcomes.

As cryptocurrencies rely on formal and transparent rules, they avoid using referees or other authorities for dispute resolution. Once the veil of human-driven judicial discretion is lifted, the issues with traditional property rights systems and voting rules become glaringly apparent. Thus, blockchain projects need better rules to support the decentralization of economic power, while also developing governance rules that avoid reliance on cumbersome bureaucratic institutions. Successful radical market operations on the blockchain are most likely to overcome dependence on free discretion. Finally, the crypto community's shared philosophical beliefs and unique openness to innovation make it an ideal place for radical market experiments on a smaller scale and with limited societal costs.

While we cannot fully realize comprehensive societal goals, we can still have a significant social impact in many specific areas, such as using blockchain to enhance data market security and aggregating opinions through voting in blockchain-based social networks. In addition to our specific ideas in practice, there can be a series of related collaborations, like using electronic postage to prevent spam and providing high-quality financial planning for those with limited resources.

More broadly, as seen in some parts of the internet and networks, over-reliance on formalism aimed at decentralizing power can lead to the re-establishment of monopolies and oligarchies. Only by building technological systems, providing various mechanisms to check concentrated power, and continuously establishing social ideologies to identify these mechanisms' failure modes, can we possibly succeed in decentralizing power from past failures. The combination of blockchain and radical market technologies promises to break the oppression of corporations, governments, and tech giants, contributing to a more free, open, and cooperative future world. We are hopeful!

In 2023, with blockchain market value reaching trillions of dollars, performance and scalability issues increasingly become constraints, urgently needing breakthroughs to support mass commercial applications. The first-generation blockchain served as a distributed ledger, while the second generation evolved into smart distributed ledgers. Amaze, as a leading developer of third-generation blockchain networks, provides commercial-grade blockchain network services, supporting direct communication, data exchange, and transactions among a large number of nodes, covering smartphone users, personal computer users, IoT smart nodes, and nodes with server and storage capabilities. Besides consumers and end-users, businesses and other commercial participants can also act as key nodes with specific domains.

Amaze is a public chain platform independently developed based on modern cryptography, communication technology, and distributed computing technology, focused on solving technical challenges that limit the mass commercial application of blockchain, building a large-scale and high-performance blockchain commercial ecosystem, supporting decentralized finance, social networking, e-commerce, search, storage, and other applications.

In the process of popularizing blockchain, scalability is the main challenge. Amaze improves transaction speed, concurrency, customer numbers, and system capacity while ensuring security and decentralization, providing global internet users with a reliable, easy-to-use, and low-cost blockchain application support system.

Like many community-driven open-source software project documents, this whitepaper focuses on innovation and development. It carries Amaze's vision and goals and will continue to be updated and maintained. We recommend referring to this document to stay informed about Amaze's latest developments and how to upgrade and evolve the Amaze protocol.

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