3. Design Principles

• Simplicity: The protocol should be kept as simple, readable, and maintainable as possible, even if this may result in some reduction in data storage or time efficiency. Ideally, developers should be able to follow and implement the entire specification to fully harness the broad application potential of blockchain and further drive the realization of a protocol vision that is open to all. Overall, simplicity is our most important design principle. Adding complexity is only considered when the optimization offers significant benefits.

• Universality: Amaze's design philosophy emphasizes universality, offering a Turing-complete scripting language that any programmer can use to build mathematically defined smart contracts or transaction types. You can use Amaze to deploy on-chain e-commerce transactions, issue digital tokens, or establish Daemons or Skynets, with no limitations or impediments.

• Decoupling: Amaze is a blockchain platform based on various independently developed protocols. The parts of the protocol should be designed to be as modular and separable as possible. In the development process, our goal is to create a series of protocols that require as few and as minimal changes as possible for optimization or upgrades, allowing the protocols to continue operating without any further modification. To this end, we implement some innovative features (such as hashes, improved Kate proofs, and RSA accumulators) as independent, functionally complete libraries. Thus, even if Amaze does not need certain features, they can still be used in other protocols. Development based on Amaze should be as decoupled as possible to benefit the entire blockchain ecosystem, not just itself.

• Agility: The details of the Amaze protocol are constantly evolving. We carefully design software architecture and upper structures, such as using sharding roadmaps, abstract execution, and incorporating only data availability into consensus. In later stages of development, computational tests may reveal opportunities for iterative development, such as in protocol architecture or the Amaze virtual machine, to greatly enhance scalability or security. If any such opportunities are discovered, we will swiftly capitalize on them.

• Non-Discrimination and Non-Censorship: The protocol is designed to offer a wide range of flexibility and does not actively restrict or prevent specific types of usage. All regulatory mechanisms in the protocol are intended to directly control functionality, rather than trying to counter specific undesirable applications. Developers can run infinite loop scripts on top of Amaze as long as they are willing to pay the transaction fees for each computational step.

• Collaborative Inclusiveness: Amaze emphasizes a design of cooperation and inclusiveness, supporting shard communication, value exchange, and shared functionality. Moreover, Amaze can connect different blockchains and even interlink Bitcoin and Ethereum as two shards, enabling transfers, script executions, and contract calls, opening doors for a new wave of innovation. Additionally, Amaze can interact directly with mainstream decentralized finance protocols and cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin and Ethereum).

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