9. New Organizational Structure and Transparent Governance in Amaze

Amaze is not controlled by any individual or organization, and its business model and community are filled with innovation. The decision-making process in Amaze is based on the design of future decision-making processes and procedures.

Blockchain is more than a technology; it leads the transformation of production relationships and business models. Community members in Amaze often play multiple roles: core protocol development team, collaborative development team, application/tool developers, miners, node operators, application and data users, and data producers.

• Amaze Token Holders: Individuals or organizations holding any amount of Amaze tokens.

• Core Protocol Development Team: Responsible for developing and maintaining the Amaze platform and protocols (such as the Blockchain Neutral Development Network - BDN).

• Collaborative Development Team: Participates in the development of updates for Amaze improvement proposals through technical proposals to support new functions, upgrades, or processes.

• Application/Tool Development Teams: Develop and operate Amaze-based applications (like wallets, games, DeFi, NFTs) or tools interacting with Amaze (like wallets, testing tools, and standardized deployment toolkits).

• Miners: Amaze nodes responsible for broadcasting, verifying, or creating blocks.

• Operational Nodes: Increase blockchain block transactions and storage by sharing network bandwidth, computing power, and resources.

• Application and Data Users: Individuals accessing and using Amaze blockchain applications and data.

• Data Producers: Individuals producing data and information on the Amaze blockchain.

Amaze community is a bottom-up driven, self-organizing network without a single person or node controlling its operations. The stronger the self-organization, the greater the system's capacity to maintain and generate new functions. For example, leading retail companies like Amazon, Apple iTunes, and Netflix, resemble self-organizing trading platforms in some aspects, offering continuous development suggestions based on the purchasing behavior of their customer communities. Creating self-organizing trading systems helps attract buyers away from competitors, whose customers are often isolated and lack information. The advantage of bottom-up organization lies in incentivizing individuals by giving them a voice.

As an open platform, Amaze aims to be universally accessible at all times and places, with no barriers to application release, transaction participation, or joining the Amaze community or network.

Community-Driven Governance

Amaze is not owned by any individual or organization. Unlike traditional large companies where key matters and changes are decided by a board of directors or shareholder resolutions, Amaze's governance is driven by its community. The Amaze community jointly takes responsibility for discussing, proposing, and deciding on future strategies, directions, and changes to support the continuous development, upgrading, and evolution of the Amaze community and network.

Amaze's governance procedures determine a series of changes concerning Amaze protocols, operations, business, and community. These procedures do not involve who can use the Amaze platform, as it is open and permissionless. Amaze's long-term planning aims to build a platform with no restrictions on access. Additionally, Amaze's governance does not involve who can or cannot publish applications or make transactions.

The representative institutions of the Amaze community include two main committees: the Amaze Operation Council and the Amaze Technical Committee.

The Amaze Operation Council handles changes unrelated to blockchain technology. These changes are decided or implemented by the community after discussion and voting. Its main responsibilities include but are not limited to governance mechanisms for non-technical issues, operational strategies, network data, and security compliance.

The Amaze Operation Council is managed fairly and transparently by those holding Amaze tokens. Any non-technical development-related proposal in Amaze can be submitted to the operation council by community members (just by providing an Amaze token wallet address). Members of the operation council need to hold a certain balance of Amaze tokens and are responsible for the preliminary review of any non-technical proposals.

Submitted proposals are sorted based on the balance of the proposal after preliminary review, rejection, requests for additional material, or council review approval. Some significant proposals are submitted to the entire community for voting and discussion.

At the first operation council meeting, it will be decided which types of proposals need to be voted on and discussed by the entire community, usually based on the proposal's impact on nodes, user satisfaction, and amounts.

The Technology Council

The Amaze Technology Council leads and is responsible for the entire community's technical decisions. Its decision-making process includes the following stages:

• Proposal Release: First, the proposal (Amaze Improvement Proposal, AIP) should be detailed enough to be immediately deployable after being accepted by the technology council. Before releasing the proposal, the proposer should gather feedback on the proposal and manage related deployment, operational, and security risks.

• Proposal Submission and Presentation: The proposal is then submitted to the technical core committee, composed of the core development team, collaborative development team, and application/tool development team. The proposal is publicly discussed on the community's technical forum. Possible outcomes include: the proposer being asked for more information or modifications to the technical solution; the technical committee rejecting the proposal due to insufficient importance or lack of sufficient improvement compared to the development investment; or the proposal is evaluated as a network upgrade to be deployed in the future.

• Final Proposal Creation: In the stage of creating a safer and more need-fulfilling final proposal based on discussions, the proposal may go through several rounds of modifications and discussions to reach the final proposal.

• AIP Integration into Network Upgrade: After the final proposal is approved by the technology council, tested, and executed, it will be included in the network upgrade plan.

• Network Upgrade: Finally, the proposal is deployed and officially operated on the Amaze mainnet.

Through these steps, the Amaze Technology Council continuously guides and promotes Amaze's technical progress and improvement.

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