2. Objectives

The Amaze platform aims to operate a large-scale commercial-grade blockchain network service, suitable for running smart contracts and decentralized applications. The main objectives are as follows

Transaction Performance

Current blockchain technology faces challenges in efficiently processing a large volume of transactions, significantly impacting user experience. With the growth in the user base and the volume of transactions, transaction costs skyrocket, leading to network congestion. Achieving the capability to process over one hundred thousand transactions per second while maintaining security and decentralization is crucial to ensure that the public blockchain can scale to meet the needs of a global and diverse user base. Amaze's target performance is to support large-scale commercial applications, capable of accommodating billions of users simultaneously using, transferring, and querying, surpassing the constantly growing demands of global network businesses.

Large-Scale Decentralization

The complexity and resource intensity of block verification limits the number of entities participating in the verification. Simplifying the verification process can attract more network participants to become validators, thereby enhancing the network's decentralization and overall health. Amaze aims to simplify block verification to downloading a small amount of data, performing basic computations, and verifying proofs to complete block verification, suitable for mobile nodes.


Amaze's security design is committed to meeting the security standards of the financial industry while ensuring commercial security that supports large-scale concurrent transactions. Amaze also develops algorithms and protocols that remain secure even in the face of powerful quantum computing capabilities, protecting the blockchain network from attacks by quantum computers. Amaze adopts lattice-based and code-based anti-quantum cryptographic algorithms, along with efficient consensus mechanisms and optimized data storage structures. These technologies maintain excellent performance under high loads. Amaze also utilizes the distributed ledger's features to ensure data consistency and immutability. Moreover, Amaze has built a decentralized network structure, avoiding the risks of single points of failure and manipulation. The system also adopts mechanisms for real-time monitoring and auditing of smart contracts, enabling rapid detection and response to issues. By ensuring the traceability of the transaction process, Amaze ensures compliance and transparency. The system also has anti-censorship and anti-interference capabilities, further safeguarding its security and reliability.

Next-Generation Consensus

Amaze has an ideal, simple, robust, decentralized Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism running on mobile phones with extremely low energy consumption and uses VDF to have the entropy advantage of PoW.

Multi-Ecosystem Compatibility

Provides multi-ecosystem, multi-client support to ensure reliable and trustworthy neutral transaction inclusion. History archiving, state dormancy, avoiding centralization, and other protocol risks. Multi-ecosystem protocol support is the vitality of compatibility and development. Multi-client support avoids 2/3 of chain forks and 1/3 of vitality loss problems. PBS solves the risk of centralization in block construction and verification and the ability to resist censorship or filter transactions. Simplified data storage supports future-proof protocols.

Content Distribution and Storage

Amaze decentralizes content distribution and storage, providing rapid content retrieval, enhanced data integrity, reduced bandwidth, and high network resilience. The importance of distributed storage lies in decentralization, anti-censorship, maintaining open information dissemination, improving content availability, reducing service interruptions, protecting data integrity with hash values, safeguarding sensitive information, reducing bandwidth waste, enhancing network efficiency, and increasing network resilience to withstand disruptions and faults.

Amaze storage serves global blockchain clients by storing newly generated information and historical data, offering services such as storage of information, transaction ledgers, photos, videos, files, real-time backups for mobile phones and computers, and collaborative work.

Decentralized Distributed Computing

Through distributed computing collaboration in the blockchain system, it aims to increase processing speed, enhance data processing capacity, improve reliability and fault tolerance, and reduce costs to solve large-scale, complex problems. Parallel processing in the blockchain significantly speeds up the processing of large computing tasks. Additionally, the failure of single or multiple nodes in the system does not lead to a total system collapse, ensuring business continuity and data security. Furthermore, using existing node resources lowers costs, and the system's scalability allows easy addition of more nodes as computational demands increase. Users in different geographical locations can also share data and computing resources, promoting rapid information dissemination and knowledge sharing.

Blockchain WebX Services

The main objective of blockchain-decentralized WebX services is to create a secure, transparent, and tamper-proof web service platform using blockchain technology. This platform aims to ensure the authenticity and integrity of data while providing a high level of privacy protection and user control. In this way, WebX services can better safeguard user data from unauthorized access and misuse, simultaneously enhancing the reliability and efficiency of web services.

Other Objectives

• Point-to-Point Communication Capability: Under the constraints of communication hardware (such as fiber optics and 5G) and customer access bandwidth limitations, Amaze meets the network service needs of global internet users for passing messages, sending videos, sharing files, and multi-person conferences. In the context of communication hardware (e.g., fiber optics and 5G) and customer access bandwidth limitations, Amaze can fulfill the network communication requirements of global internet users in sending messages, transmitting videos, sharing files, and conducting multi-person conferences.

• Privacy Protection and Data Autonomy: Amaze utilizes modern encryption technologies to protect the privacy of blockchain users' accounts, messages, and storage, ensuring personal data is not misused by commercial companies or hackers, while also complying with the security regulations of various countries. From the perspective of information security and asset value, Amaze's foundational protocols support data creators in managing their data autonomously.

• Universal, Open, Easy to Use, and Easy to Be Upgraded: Universality, openness, ease of use, and upgradeability are the core goals and directions of Amaze. The long-term strategic objective is to allow anyone, at any time, and from any place, to access and use Amaze. Additionally, on Amaze, launching any application or conducting any transaction does not require permission. By utilizing PoS-type consensus, it avoids the high energy consumption and expensive hardware equipment associated with PoW, maximally reusing existing internet infrastructure. Validation nodes use mobile phones with incidental work limited to a few seconds per day; smart contracts are written in common programming languages like Java and C++. Amaze is compatible with various traditional blockchain protocols, including BTC's UTXO, EOS's WASM, ETH's EVM, and DIEM's MOVE. Amaze also supports continuous upgrades without the need for forking.

• Cost Effectiveness: Reducing costs is a core objective and pursuit for the Amaze system. The next generation of Amaze has successfully reduced the cost of individual transactions to the level of cents. By using mobile phones as nodes, initial hardware investment is significantly reduced. Compared to first and second-generation blockchain technologies, the intelligent design of Amaze software (such as rapid distribution, verification, and accounting) significantly shortens the time and energy consumption of individual transactions. Compared to centralized networks, manual transactions on the Amaze platform are fewer and more time-efficient (no need for centralized node-to-node clearing delays and manual coordination), thus reducing manpower operational costs. Amaze technology helps lower operational costs by automating and executing smart contracts, reducing manual intervention. Additionally, Amaze's high transparency helps reduce auditing and compliance costs, making it easier for enterprises to meet regulatory requirements. Amaze technology also reduces trust costs by ensuring data security and integrity through encryption and consensus mechanisms. This allows parties to conduct secure, reliable transactions without intermediaries, thereby reducing trust costs. Amaze technology also helps reduce supply chain costs by improving the transparency and efficiency of supply chain management, real-time tracking of goods and services, helping businesses better monitor supply chain processes, and reducing inventory, logistics, and manpower costs. Amaze technology reduces data storage costs by utilizing distributed storage, spreading data across multiple nodes, while also enhancing data security and reliability. Overall, Amaze technology, with its unique features and advantages, reduces costs in transactions, operations, trust, supply chain, and data storage, creating significant value for businesses and individuals.

• More Return: Compared to traditional decentralized platforms, Amaze's technological innovations enable the network to share storage, computing power, and bandwidth resources, improving overall efficiency. Additionally, it meets real-world network service needs and generates income through genuine multi-channel sources. Compared to centralized networks, program-based automated transactions can increase asset turnover speed by shortening the entire transaction process. The accumulation of a large amount of transparent, immutable historical data helps increase user loyalty and stickiness, thereby promoting long-term value accumulation with users.

• Economic Sustainability: Amaze is not only a financial network for generating and trading digital tokens like first and second-generation blockchains, but it also supports a large number of users deeply involved in Amaze's network services based on actual economic demands, thus possessing an inherent sustainable development drive. Similar to centralized network economies, Amaze's platform economy consists of the production, consumption, and trading of network services by its users. Beyond token value exchange and investment, the Amaze platform also supports a large amount of network service production, consumption, and online-offline trading. The Amaze platform provides incentives higher than inflation through a series of network services rooted in real economic needs (such as peer-to-peer social, enterprise users' on-chain e-commerce transactions, storage, gaming, etc.), ensuring sustainable economic viability. For example, enterprise-level users can deploy their on-chain trading applications based on traceability and supply chain finance needs, while individual user participants can provide node resources for transaction validation, block generation services, or shared computing power and storage capacity for the entire chain, thereby receiving inherent incentives.

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