4. Structure

The Overall Structure

The structural design features of Amaze mainly include a sharded layered architecture, scalability, upgradability, and transparent governance.

Amaze is a sharded layered network, using self-developed protocols to support various applications. It includes a Blockchain Distribution Network (BDN) to ensure rapid broadcasting while maintaining data consistency. The miner plus verifier structure allows for low energy consumption and achieves quick finality consensus with single-shot block production through step-by-step and data availability sampling decisions. Additionally, the sharded network allows parallel processing of multiple transactions, while the layered processing supports batch processing of transactions, generating proofs, off-chain contract execution, and outsourced computation. The zk-vm technology enables proposers to generate proofs only once, while verifiers can validate quickly and at a low cost.

Amaze Platform addresses bottlenecks present in other blockchain networks, which can only process transactions and contracts sequentially. Amaze employs a sharded layered architecture to improve transaction processing efficiency. In Amaze, miners go through three steps to produce a block: proposal, verification, and final confirmation. The proposal phase involves global sorting of transactions, checking pre-sorted layers, marking input and output state dependencies and non-parallel transactions, generating input states and proofs, ZKEVM processing proofs, output states, and commitments, minimizing data, and generating a sorting structure. Verification tasks are processed in parallel by thousands of computing nodes, with minimal computational effort for polynomial commitments and ZKEVM proof verification, which can be completed on ordinary PCs, mobile devices, etc., primarily using time for data reception and returning multi-signature results. The final confirmation phase includes merging received verification results and using redundancy and game theory algorithms to prevent hacker collusion. The system is valid with 2/3 votes. If there is a massive node dropout or regional internet outage, the system will delay final confirmation and record correct transaction information.

Sharding & Layer

To parallel process multiple transactions, the double-spending issue, i.e., direct and indirect expenditures of the same address, must be resolved. Amaze uses state sharding to address the double-spending problem and coordinates communication, value exchange, and shared functionality between shards. It can even interconnect Bitcoin and Ethereum as two shards for transfers, script executions, and contract calls.

The layered structure originates from the Lightning Network, iterating through sidechains, state channels, plasma, and Rollups, using smart contract layers, transaction layers, and proof outsourcing technology to quickly chain transactions and contracts after batching, merging, and pre-processing, achieving consensus.

The Amaze protocol includes six layers: data, network, consensus, incentive, contract, and application.

Transactions, transaction pools, consensus communication, proofs, block data, and state are rapidly distributed via BDN for consistency and scalability.

Application Structure

Distributed applications are divided into smart contract layers and application interaction layers, utilizing the computing power, bandwidth, and storage resources provided by the blockchain, and performing remote procedure calls (RPC) services and Web3 calls through nodes, thereby achieving upgradability and transparent governance.

Program Components

• The Wallet App runs on mobile phones, using WiFi/5G for networking, and can validate mining, save private keys, and initiate transactions during active periods.

• Proposers are located on servers, running on IDC's gigabit shared network, and can receive transactions, initiate proposals, validate, and upload data.

• Builders require high-end servers and run on IDC's directly connected network, handling packaging, block body execution, and ZK-EVM proofs.

• The Blockchain Distribution Network (BDN) is server-based, running on IDC's gigabit shared network, caching blocks, and providing validation, Rpc, address indexing, address visualization, hash signature verification services, IPFS, BT, Web, historical ledgers, historical states, and providing downstream data.

• The Blockchain Explorer also operates on servers on IDC's gigabit shared network, querying information, transaction status, balances, or detailed transaction information via wallet addresses, and providing data statistics like total blocks, new wallet addresses, and transaction records.

• The Performance Monitor also runs on servers on IDC's gigabit shared network, querying node numbers, busyness, network, CPU, storage, and performance.

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