7. Implementation

Transaction Performance

Enhancing transaction performance, while ensuring security and decentralization, primarily involves the following aspects:

1. Sharding Technology and Data Availability Sampling: These play a pivotal role in blockchain technology development. They seamlessly integrate additional transaction processing capabilities into the main chain, maintaining decentralization and security. Deep sharding technology, in particular, utilizes a randomly selected committee of validators to decide transactions in each epoch, not only improving data availability but also achieving unified network consensus, settlement, and data layer through data sampling by consensus nodes. Data availability becomes a check for validity, similar to nodes not following branches with invalid state transitions, they also do not follow branches with unavailable data. This is crucial for achieving fully trustless expansion.

2. Parallel Transaction Execution Technology: This allows different transactions and contracts to be processed simultaneously across multiple nodes, enhancing the system's overall efficiency by parallel processing numerous blockchain transactions and handling rerun conflict transactions. Each node processes a portion of transactions, achieving higher network throughput and faster processing speeds. Parallel execution also enhances network scalability; as the network grows, more nodes can be added to handle more transactions without affecting overall performance.

3. Parallel Communication Technology: Dividing the network into multiple segments, each independently processing transactions through subscriptions, subnets, channels, and communication sharding, not only improves processing speed and system throughput but also effectively addresses the challenges of high transaction volumes.

4. Account Capacity Technology: By optimizing data storage and processing mechanisms, this technology enhances the capability of account processing. It supports more efficient transaction processing, further enhancing the system's overall performance and scalability.

5. zk-vm Technology: Combining virtual machines with zero-knowledge proof principles, this technology ensures high privacy and security in transactions. Under this framework, proposers need only execute the proof generation once, while validators can perform low-cost, rapid verification, optimizing the blockchain network’s processing speed and efficiency.

Enhancing transaction performance relies heavily on architectural design, consensus algorithms, and the optimization of "computation, communication, and storage." Architectural design involving sharding and layering strategies, the application of FVRF algorithms in consensus processes, and enhancements through RSA accumulators, global miners' adoption of Kate polynomial commitments, and mobile validators for stateless blockchain nodes significantly boost overall performance.

Communication Capabilities

Amaze enhances communication and RPC services through optimization of network transport protocols and improvements at the network level, such as more efficient messaging, faster block propagation, and optimized node discovery algorithms. Amaze's P2P network adopts a three-layer architecture consisting of the network layer, routing layer, and exchange layer, implementing NAT, relay proxy protocols, multiplexed streams, and BDN technology based on Libp2p. Compressing data transmitted in the network helps reduce bandwidth requirements and improve transmission speeds. The connection strategy between nodes significantly impacts overall communication capabilities. Optimizing node connections by communicating with nearby nodes, limiting the number of concurrent connections, and maintaining a high-quality node list is essential. New block and transaction propagation strategies reduce latency and redundancy in the network. Subnet solutions, peer-to-peer network monitoring, and analysis are also introduced.

Besides completing transaction broadcasts and block synchronization, Amaze's robust P2P communication network supports billions of users simultaneously sending messages, pictures, videos, files, and conducting multi-person conferences.

Unlike IPFS, Amaze has developed an innovative distributed, decentralized storage system, aimed at solving issues like single-point failures, poor performance, and privacy risks in traditional centralized network storage, offering users a more secure, efficient, and reliable network filesystem. Amaze decentralizes storage by splitting files into many small blocks, distributed across multiple nodes in the network. This method reduces dependence on single servers or data centers, lowering the risk of single-point failures. Amaze allows multiple nodes to store the same file blocks, providing redundant backups. When a node is inaccessible, other nodes can still offer file access. Amaze uses content addressing instead of traditional location addressing, accessing files through unique hash values based on file content, making file lookup and verification simpler, safer, and more efficient. Amaze supports file version control, allowing users to retrieve historical versions of a file. Due to the unique identification of files and their blocks through hash values, Amaze achieves data deduplication. This means that when multiple files or file blocks have the same content, they are stored only once, saving storage space. Amaze uses peer-to-peer technology for efficient file transfer. When requesting files, users download file blocks from the nearest node, speeding up the transfer process. In the Amaze system, each node can provide other nodes with services like storage space, bandwidth, and online time. This system is not only for storing distributed ledgers on blockchains but also for securely backing up photos, files, and short videos generated on mobile phones, laptops, and computers. Based on mutual aid services between nodes, Amaze has built a healthy and sustainable storage market.

Privacy Protection and Data Sovereignty

Utilizing a privacy protection system based on zero-knowledge proofs, Amaze can completely conceal the information of transaction parties and the amount during transfers. If users choose privacy protection over real-time transfer, Amaze can also hide transaction timing and quantity (i.e., the number of transactions in a given period), making specific transfers untraceable and unanalyzable on the network.

The privacy protection level can be set to "support regulation," allowing national regulatory authorities to conduct legal regulation and auditing. Amaze's underlying protocol supports a data sovereignty, transaction, and circulation system: data producers own their data. They can conduct secure transactions with different permissions based on these data to maximize the value of their data assets. This includes but is not limited to providing past transaction information to trading counterparts to prove transaction credit and capability, granting specific access and usage rights to certain merchants based on consumer preferences, providing certain data access rights to advertisers to share advertising revenue, and granting corresponding research permissions to national and non-governmental organizations.

Universal Accessibility and Ease of Use

The Amaze platform ingeniously overcomes the limitations of first and second-generation blockchain technologies requiring a lot of electricity and hardware resources. Its core is a low-energy, fully decentralized POS consensus technology, allowing users to participate in transactions with just a regular smartphone, without the need for complex data centers or expensive mining equipment. Additionally, Amaze's recoverable key function enhances the platform's security protection capabilities, supporting the recovery of lost or partial private keys and preventing DOS attacks. The platform also supports offline payment transactions, allowing both parties to complete transaction verification offline. Its smart contracts support various programming languages, including Java, C++, and Rust, making design, programming, testing, and deployment more convenient. Amaze also supports compatibility with various traditional blockchain protocols, including Bitcoin's UTXO, EOS's WASM, Ethereum's EVM, and DIEM's MOVE.

In terms of security, Amaze emphasizes the importance of blockchain security and has conducted in-depth research on its key technologies and security architecture. It uses P2P network technology, distributed ledger technology, asymmetric encryption and decryption technology, consensus mechanism technology, and smart contract technology to comprehensively protect data integrity, non-repudiation, privacy, and consistency. At the same time, Amaze analyzes new security threats and countermeasures, including preventing transaction storms, encrypted access control technology, and key management technology. Additionally, it explores new security issues and solutions that may arise from the integration of blockchain technology with artificial intelligence, big data, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, and mobile internet.

In terms of economic efficiency, Amaze demonstrates significant cost advantages. Compared to traditional decentralized networks, users only need a mobile phone to become a network node, greatly reducing the participation costs of blockchain transactions. Based on the POS consensus mechanism, it avoids massive energy consumption while ensuring the network's security and decentralization. Amaze also reduces infrastructure investment and operational costs through software design for shared network storage, computing, and bandwidth.

In terms of revenue growth, the Amaze network allows individual users to contribute their node's idle resources to the network while using various applications and, in return, receive compensation. It supports automatic batch and periodic transactions, reducing manual costs and increasing the turnover speed of assets. A large amount of transparent and immutable historical data increases user loyalty and stickiness, contributing to long-term value accumulation with customers.

Regarding sustainable development, Amaze adopts a persistent growth strategy, achieving sustainable development by creating value, generating content, processing information, and providing services. It offers many services that the first and second-generation blockchain technologies could not provide on a large commercial scale, meeting real-world needs with lower costs, stronger privacy protection, and higher reliability. Amaze's design principle is to continuously improve technology and optimize resources to provide an economic return above the inflation rate.

Upgradeability: Amaze's Self-Evolution Capability

In today's technological environment, we are accustomed to regular or even automatic updates of applications, games, and browsers. Developers fix bugs before they occur and add new features as better solutions emerge. Like all other software, blockchain also needs regular upgrades to adapt to technological developments. However, compared to upgrading centralized applications, games, or browsers, the upgrade process for blockchains is more complex. Traditional blockchain upgrades require network forks, often taking months, and controversial hard forks can lead to community splits.

Amaze breaks this inherent pattern, allowing the blockchain to self-upgrade without needing to fork the chain. This fork-free upgrade is achieved through Amaze's transparent on-chain governance and system contracts. With this feature, Amaze ensures that the project remains agile, and adaptive, and can continuously evolve with the demands and development of technology. Moreover, it significantly reduces the risks associated with controversial hard forks—a major concern for many organizations and systems.

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